null Are you covered for your next trip?

Are you covered for your next trip?

You’re all set. You’ve got your plane ticket and your passport. You’ve packed your bags and planned what to put in your carry-on. We all try to pack for every eventuality, but did you remember to get travel insurance?

Don’t forget to pack travel insurance

Packing for your vacation is an art. And let’s face it, most of us take too much stuff—just in case. But unlike that fifth pair of shoes, there’s one thing you really do need: travel insurance.

What is travel insurance and why do you need It?

Travel insurance is financial security against any accidents or emergencies that could happen before you go away or while you’re on your trip.

Here’s why you need it:

  • If there’s an emergency and you need to cancel or cut short your trip, travel insurance can reimburse your costs.
  • Medical expenses outside Canada can be very expensive. If you get sick or you’re injured on your trip, travel insurance can protect you from having to pay out-of-pocket costs for your medical treatment.

How to choose your travel insurance

While travel insurance is a must, not all coverage is created equal. When you choose your insurance, make sure you’re getting coverage that protects you in an emergency.

Here are some key features to look for:

Trip cancellation

You never know when an emergency will arise, so it's important to have the right coverage to protect you through date changes and cancellations.

Baggage coverage

This covers you if your bags are stolen, delayed or damaged. Many policies also cover the cost of replacing your passport or other legal documents.

Emergency health care coverage

This covers any emergency health care when you travel abroad. It also covers your travel if you need to come back to Canada for medical reasons.

Multi-trip annual insurance

A good choice if you travel a lot. With 1 policy for a whole year, you can get coverage for an unlimited number of trips.

24/7 assistance service

Whatever coverage you pick, make sure you choose an insurer that can get you the help you need when you need it.

Is there an app?

Some insurance companies offer an app that lets you create your personal health record and translate it into another language.

Choose a name you trust

When you choose your insurance, don’t just shop for the lowest price. Think about value for money instead. You need your insurance company to be there when you need them.

For more on this topic, visit:

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These tips are provided for information and prevention purposes only. They are general in nature, and The Personal cannot be held liable for them. We recommend using caution and consulting an expert for comprehensive, tailored advice.