Cancelling your car or home insurance

Are you considering cancelling your insurance?
We're here to help.

How to cancel your insurance with The Personal.

How to cancel your insurance

Your satisfaction is very important to us, but we do understand that sometimes clients need to cancel their home, car, motorcycle or RV insurance policy.

We've given you 3 ways:


This is the simplest way.

Give us a call and we'd be pleased to listen and lend a hand with the process. We'll make sure we've done our very best before you decide to cancel.

This link will launch your default phone software. 1-888-476-8737


Log in to Online Services and send us a secure email.

  • Select Renewal or cancellation and choose the insurance product.
  • Provide the following information under How can we help you:
    • The date you want to cancel
    • The reason
    • The address where we can send your cancellation confirmation

Send us a secure email


Send a cancellation letter to the address indicated in your car or home insurance policy.

  • Have on hand the date you want to cancel, the reason and the address where we can send your cancellation confirmation.
  • Sign and mail the letter to the address you see printed in your policy.

Cancelling another type of insurance?

Please see our FAQ to cancel your travel insurance or cancel your pet insurance.

Tips Make sure you have appropriate insurance coverage from another company before the cancellation date.

When you are comparing coverage options, think about what services and benefits are included, not just the price.

Will I have to pay any fees to cancel my insurance?

  • If the cancellation date is the same as the insurance renewal date, there will be no charge.
  • If the cancellation date is before the insurance renewal date, you may need to pay a cancellation fee.
  • To know how much you'd need to pay, please contact us.

Can I cancel my insurance at any time?

Yes, you or your co-insured, if applicable, can cancel your insurance at any time by calling or writing to the insurer.

Our cancellation policy

  • Your policy is officially cancelled on the date you request.
  • Depending on the date you choose, you may be issued a refund for any remaining paid premium or be required to pay a cancellation fee.
  • You will receive confirmation of your cancellation in the mail. 


Your insurer also has the right to cancel or void your insurance through written notice in certain circumstances.

  • We would inform you and all co-insureds named in the policy in advance, well within legal limits.
  • You may be issued a refund for any remaining paid premium.

Frequently asked insurance cancellation questions

Do I need to cancel my insurance if I store a vehicle or remove it from my policy?

No. This is just an update to your policy if you're:

  • Removing one of your vehicles
  • Replacing a vehicle with a different one
  • Storing a vehicle

To update your policy, please go to Online Services or call an agent.

If you have only one vehicle on your policy, and you'd like to remove it because you've started using public transportation, for example, please contact us.

Why can my insurer choose to cancel or void my policy?

In certain circumstances, your insurer could cancel or void your insurance policy, for example, if you hadn't paid your premiums or in the case of false representation or misrepresentation. At the Personal, we would notify you by registered mail well within legal time limits if we were going to cancel your insurance.

Can I put my car insurance on hold instead of cancelling?

Think about putting your insurance on hold if:

  • You can't drive due to illness or injury
  • Your car is broken down and waiting for repairs
  • Your driver's license has been suspended
  • You want to store your car for the winter
  • You're travelling

The easiest way to put your insurance on hold is to contact us by phone.

How do I cancel my travel insurance?

How do I cancel my pet insurance?

If you need to cancel your pet insurance, please call Petline Insurance Company's customer support line at This link will launch your default phone software. 1-855-343-9385.

Want to know more?

Read our blog for helpful tips

Cancellation of an insurance policy

Contact us

This link will launch your default phone software. 1-888-476-8737

Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Eastern Time)
Saturday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Eastern Time)

The Personal Travel Insurance Program is underwritten by Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company. The Personal Insurance Company and Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company are affiliated companies and subsidiaries of Desjardins Group.

The Personal Pet Insurance Program is underwritten and distributed by Petline Insurance Company.

Certain conditions, exclusions and limitations may apply. The terms and conditions of the coverages described are set out in the insurance policy, which always prevails.

These tips are provided for information and prevention purposes only. They are general in nature, and The Personal cannot be held liable for them. We recommend using caution and consulting an insurance advisor for comprehensive, tailored advice.