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What does Trip Cancellation insurance cover?

It covers non-refundable expenses up to the insurance amount you've selected if, before you leave, you have to cancel your trip for a reason recognized by the insurer.

It also covers the expenses incurred if you have to return to your home province early or delay your return for a reason recognized by the insurer. To be eligible for reimbursement, the expenses must have been prepaid and must not be reimbursed by the travel service supplier. Eligible expenses include plane tickets, reasonable living expenses and the unused portion of land arrangements.

Will I have to pay the hospital bill if I'm hospitalized while I'm away?

The insurer will generally pay the hospital bill directly so you don't have to, though some hospitals may require the patient to pay.

Also, if you don’t contact our Assistance Service within the required time before going to a healthcare facility, or if you don’t follow their instructions, you’ll have to pay 30% of the first $10,000 of eligible expenses incurred after any deductible has been applied.

If you require treatment, have an accident or become ill while travelling, contact our Assistance Service at 1-800-465-6390 BEFORE going to a healthcare facility and follow the instructions they provide.

Does my provincial health plan cover everything while I'm away?

No. Healthcare expenses incurred outside your home province are often higher than the maximum set by your provincial health plan, which is why we offer Emergency Health Care coverage.

What is an unstable injury or medical condition?

It's any injury or medical condition for which, in the reference period:

  • New symptoms appeared or the existing symptoms were more frequent or more intense
  • You consulted a physician or are waiting to consult one (except for a routine check-up)
  • A physician recommended that you undergo a test, you underwent a test or you are waiting for the results
  • You had surgery or were hospitalized or a physician recommended that you have surgery
  • You started a new treatment, including a new drug, or a new treatment was prescribed
  • You had a change in treatment or medication (quantity, frequency or the medication itself) or such a change was prescribed

The exclusion for unstable injuries or medical conditions applies to Emergency Health Care and Trip Cancellation coverages.

For Emergency Health Care coverage

The reference period is:

  • 90 days before your departure date, if you are 54 or under on that date
  • 182 days before your departure date, if you are 55 or older on that date
For Trip Cancellation coverage

The reference period is 90 days before the Trip Cancellation coverage purchase date.

Do I have to pay a deductible?

A deductible of $500, $1,000 or $5,000 is optional at the time of purchase. If you chose a deductible, the amount will be indicated in your insurance documents.

How do I make a claim?

A form must be filled out and sent to the insurer within 90 days of the event. Proof and other information must be sent to the insurer within 90 days of filing your claim. To get the claim form, please call 1-855-727-7872.

For more information about making claims, refer to the following guides:

Some conditions, exclusions and limits apply.

The Personal Travel Insurance Program is underwritten by Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company.

Eligibility is limited to employees and members of groups that have a partnership agreement with The Personal Insurance Company that includes The Personal Travel Insurance Program.

The Personal Insurance Company and Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company are affiliated companies and subsidiaries of Desjardins Group.

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