Accident involving injuries: What to do?

You were in an accident that caused injuries
Accident or loss?
Count on us 24/7—by phone or online
What to do in 7 steps
Were you, a family member or someone in your vehicle injured in a car accident? You can count on our claims department to provide the guidance and support you need to initiate your recovery.
Call the police!
A police report is required in the event of an accident involving injuries.
- If the damage to your vehicle or injuries are less serious, you may be directed to report the accident by attending at a self-reporting collision centre.
- To locate the nearest reporting centre, call By phone:416-745-3301 or go to Accident Support Services.
To file a claim, have the following information on hand:
- The number of your insurance policy or your auto insurance certificate
- The police report number
- The contact information of the injured persons and a description of their injuries, where applicable
- The contact information of the driver, if you were a passenger
- The contact information of the other driver involved in the accident
- The contact information of any witnesses
- The location where the accident occurred
The Personal is there for you every step of the way. Whether you make a claim online or call to speak to a claims advisor, you can count on the same friendly, efficient service.
- You can file a claim in just 20 minutes—anytime, day or night.
- We open your claim and confirm your insurance coverage as soon as you complete the online form.
- Remember you can always get in touch with your claims advisor.
The claims department advisor who takes your call will:
- Take your accident and injury details
- Check the coverages under your insurance policy
- Guide you through the process of submitting your claim to us, including explaining any documents required
- Give you your claim number
- Provide you with the contact information of the advisors who will be handling both your auto and injury claim
The call will take about 45 minutes.
Whether you open your claim online or by phone, your accident benefits claims advisor will contact you within 24 hours
Your accident benefits claims advisor:
- Has the training and knowledge to handle your injury claim and guide you through the process
- Will give you his/her contact information and is available to answer any questions or concerns regarding your injury claim
An advisor may visit you to assist with processing your claim, where applicable.
A few days after opening your claim, you will receive in the mail all of the documents and forms to be completed in order to submit your accident benefits claim.
Call your advisor if you need any assistance. He or she will guide you through the documents and instruct you on what requires completion.
To start the process faster, you can also access this form online: OCF-1: Application for Accident Benefits
Within 30 days of receipt of the documents, return the completed documents and forms to the address indicated in the document package you received. Forms must be returned by regular mail, courier or personal delivery.
Early, quality care is essential to achieving your optimum medical recovery.
If you are injured as a result of an accident, you have a number of treatment options:
- Your primary health care provider or family doctor may recommend a specialist or therapist
- Your accident benefits claims advisor may provide you with the contact information for our Preferred Provider Network
Choosing a Clinic in our Preferred Provider Network means:
- You will receive prompt assessment of your accident related injuries.
- You can be assured the clinic has passed an extensive screening process and is committed to maintaining the highest standards within the health care industry.
- Your treating health care provider will proactively manage your recovery through immediate and continuous contact with you, your primary health care provider and your accident benefits claims advisor.
- The clinic is licensed with the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario allowing them to invoice us directly for your treatment, which means no out of pocket expenses for you.
- You and your treating health care provider will be focused on your recovery.
Choose a treating health care provider that is convenient to you, whether close to your work or home.
To learn more about our Preferred Provider Network and for clinic locations near you, please contact your accident benefits claims advisor toll free at By phone:1-866-688-3888 or directly contact the Networks below:
CBI Health Group
By phone1-800-897-9640
(Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.)
By phone1-888-997-2298
(Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.)
Note: If you're covered by an extended health care plan, this coverage has priority. It must be exhausted before submitting a benefit claim to your auto insurer.
Claiming for expenses you have incurred
Talk to your accident benefits claims advisor about expenses you may have incurred as a result of your accident injury.
- Depending on what benefits you may have purchased with your policy, and the nature of your injury or disability, your expenses may be covered.
- Expenses must also be reasonable and necessary, and must meet the policy definition of "incurred". Please talk to your advisor, who can explain what is defined as an incurred expense.
Send all completed forms to your accident benefits claims advisor by regular mail.
- Your advisor may request that you submit expenses using an OCF-6: Expenses Claim Form.
- Once you have completed the form, send all original receipts, along with the form, to your advisor by regular mail.
Claiming for disability accident benefits
There are several categories of disability benefits. Your accident benefits claims advisor will give you information specific to your claim.
- You may be eligible for more than one type of disability benefit. In this case, we'll send you the following form, so you can choose the right option for you: OCF-10: Election of Income Replacement, Non-Earner or Caregiver Benefit
- Your advisor will explain the election process and provide you with information on each of the benefits you are eligible for, so you can make an informed decision.
If you are presenting a claim for any disability benefit, your family doctor or health practitioner must complete the following form: OCF-3: Disability Certificate.
Your advisor will guide you through the process of submitting a claim for the benefit you have chosen.
- For example, if your injury prevents you from working after the accident, your advisor will guide you through the process of submitting a claim for income replacement benefits.
- Your advisor will contact your employer once he or she has received this form: OCF-2: Employer's Confirmation Form.
- This form is used to help calculate the amount of the income replacement benefit you're entitled to while off work because of a car accident.
If additional documentation is required, your advisor will advise you accordingly.
Your accident benefits claims advisor will review the documents you sent.
As soon as we have received all the relevant documents and confirmed your coverage and entitlement, benefit payments can begin.
You will receive an Explanation of Benefits Form which will outline your entitlement to benefits.
We care about your recovery, so we'll check on your progress regularly.
Once all benefits for which you are eligible have been paid, your claim will be complete and we will proceed to close your file.
Our goal is your satisfaction throughout the claims process.
Always let your advisor know about any concerns you have about your benefits. We are here to help. It's important for us to understand your concerns, and work with you to resolve them. We may need to obtain more information from you, or give you more information about the status of your benefits. We will also explain all additional options should you wish to dispute a benefit decision.
Find a recommended provider
Is immediate action required? Choose from our network of recommended providers. We take care of everything, and you get top quality service.
Reasons to choose a recommended body shop
- 24/7 vehicle towing
- Accurate damage appraisal using state-of-the-art technology
- Repairs are done by an experienced team and guaranteed by the body shop for as long as you own the vehicle and have an insurance policy in force with us
The information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. The terms and conditions of the coverages described are set out in the home insurance policy, which always prevails. Certain conditions, limitations and exclusions may apply.